Riggs (The Kings of Retribution MC, Louisiana Chapter Book 1) Page 8
Crawling across the floor of the van, I make my way over to Sofia. The two of us huddle together for the rest of the ride.
I don't know how long we are on the road before the van comes to a stop and the back door is jerked open with five men staring at us. Sofia and I are ushered out of the back and lead inside a large industrial building where plastic covers the broken windows. A man; one I remember meeting months ago at the Savage Outlaw clubhouse back in Arizona leads Sofia and me passed a massive rusted saw blade, a giant conveyor belt, then up a set of old stairs while Pike walks off in the opposite direction with the bald man from the van. Once we reach the second floor overlooking the main room of the warehouse, we are taken to what looks like a closet. By the smell coming from inside, it was used to store cleaning supplies. It smells of pine, mold, and something rotten. I don't have time to take in much of my surroundings before I am shoved into the closet along with Sofia.
Squeezing his way into the tight space, the guy who pushed us in here pulls a pair of handcuffs from his back pocket. Then the redhead from before reaches through our bodies, grabs Sofia's wrist, and by the grimace on her face gives it a painful twists. He lifts her arm above her head and holds it against the metal bar sticking out of the wall above us. Grabbing my wrist he placing it next to hers. The handcuffs are slapped on our wrists, locking us together. Both men then step out of the room. Neither one spares us a second glance before the door is shut, leaving us in utter darkness with nothing but my thoughts to keep me company. And those thoughts offer no comfort. If Rex can beat me within an inch of my life because I saw something not meant for my eyes, I don't want to think of what he has in store for me now. And then there is Sofia.
My new plan is to plead with him. That I will willingly do whatever he wants so long as he lets Sofia go. After finding out what kind of evil my ex-boyfriend is, I'd say my chances of convincing him are slim to none. You would think with Sofia being part of The Kings family, he'll let her go. Surely he doesn't want that kind of trouble. But then again, people like Rex and Pike have no respect or fear. They are the kind of men who take what they want. They wanted me, and now they have me. Sofia happens to be collateral damage. Think Luna. You have to figure out a way to get Sofia out of here.
Feeling helpless, and without a clue as to what I can do to save my friend, I hang my head and try with all I am to keep from breaking down. But my efforts are fruitless as my body starts to shake, and the tears begin to spill from my eyes. My whole life, I have felt worthless and good for nothing. Now at this moment, I know that is precisely what I am. And with our wrist cuffed together, Sofia takes my hand in hers the best she can as she senses my distress and offers her support. It makes me hate that piece of shit Rex even more than I already do because this incredibly kind and selfless woman next to me is the last person who deserves to be here. Instead of breaking down and blaming me for our current situation, she is trying to comfort me.
Closing my eyes tight, I pray The Kings find us and that Sofia, along with the rest of her family, can forgive me.
Chapter Seven
Giving up on sleep I decide to jump in the shower. It's early; still dark outside. Walking into the bathroom, I flip the light on. The reason for my current state of insomnia — my head is a mess. Not that I am not focused on today's mission. I'm clear on that. My problem has to do with a short, curvy, blonde with violet eyes. Thoughts of her keep working their way to the forefront of my mind. Thinking of Luna is starting to fuck with my headspace — my mojo. Reaching into the stall, I turn the water on. I strip out of my boxers and step inside the shower stall. Closing my eyes, I enjoy the hot water beating down on my flesh. Leaning forward, I brace my palms against the tiled wall in front of me, letting the spray hit my lower back.
My muscles ache from the thirty-two-hour drive from New Orleans to Polson. My body has been put through non-stop hell for weeks now, and I'm starting to feel its effects. Taking a deep breath, I relax. When I do, Luna's frightened eyes are all I see. It gutted me that her first reaction after meeting me was fear. That beautiful woman was put through hell, but I understand her weariness of bikers considering what a piece of shit her ex is. When Jake called me a few days ago asking for a favor, he told me Luna's story and what happened between her and that pussy Rex. Any man who puts their hands on a woman doesn't deserve to walk this earth. I didn't hesitate when accepting Jake's plea to help Luna out. I'd do anything my brother asks of me. My issue lies with how this woman is getting to me. I don't live the kind of life that allows me to go the distance for any woman. Maybe bringing Luna back home with me is not such a good idea. I shake my head. Luna not coming back with me is not an option. No matter how hard I try to fight this pull I have, deep down, I know I'm fighting a losing battle. The thought of another man protecting or taking care of Luna causes emotion to burn inside of me; feelings that makes me want to murder any man who dares to take her from me.
Fuck. Luna is not even mine.
Not yet, anyway.
Suddenly, I'm pulled from my inner battle when I hear all hell break lose just outside the bedroom. I hear Jake barking out orders and what sounds like soldiers stomping down the hall. Cutting the water off, I jump out of the shower, half-ass dry myself off, then throw on yesterday's clothes. Before I have my boots laced, there is a pounding on my door — seconds later, Fender bursts in. "Shit just hit the fan, Prez," he says in a panic. "Somethin' or someone just tripped the perimeter alarm. Both Luna and Sofia are not in their rooms. Jake has men searching the grounds now," he informs before he turns and retreats down the hall.
"I'm right behind you." I tie my boots. Yanking my cut draped on the back of the chair beside the bed, I shrug it on as I rush out of the room. By the time I make it to the main floor of the clubhouse, Jake, along with all his men are standing next to the bar. "What's the word?"
"Luna and Sofia were taken," Jake delivers the blow.
"How the fuck did that happen?"
"Reid pulled up the security feed. It looks like Luna snuck out through the kitchen. Not long after she left is when Sofia woke. She went to check on Luna only to find her gone and the kitchen door leading out back ajar. She caught up to Luna on the far end of the compound near the property line. That's where they were taken. Neither of the women knew someone was out there watching and waiting. My best guess is Savage Outlaw was plannin' to blow up the clubhouse, or at least cause some distraction so they could get to Luna. I have my men out in the streets now."
"What the fuck you mean blow up the clubhouse?"
"Come with me," Jake orders.
Following him outsides, Jake leads me around to the back of the clubhouse to the patio that leads inside to the kitchen. "I need you to check that shit out. I didn't want any of my men touching it. I was afraid moving it might set it off," Jake points to a table. And sitting on that table is a homemade bomb. I can already tell from where I stand it's not a very good one. Striding up to the table, I take a closer look — fucking amateurs.
"I can tell you right now it's a dud. Whatever idiot put this damn thing together clearly doesn't know his ass from his elbow. The fucking thing is wired, all wrong." Picking the twelve by twelve-inch device up, I stroll past Jake. "Not for long though," I say through gritted teeth. "I'm going to need a few supplies."
"Help yourself, brother. You know where we keep our shit," Jake says as he follows me back inside the clubhouse. Taking a seat at the bar, I place the bomb on the counter in front of me.
"Kiwi," I bark.
"What do ya need, Prez?"
I spout off at least a dozen supplies I'll be needing, and Kiwi wastes no time gathering what I ask for. By the time I finish, this bomb will be ready to light up the sky. Roughly twenty minutes later, I look away from the wires I am currently fusing and peer over at Sam who is sitting to my left carefully gauging my actions. "I always bring my own toys to the party, but this one will do." After a pause, I speak again. "We're going to get our women back, brother. Yo
u can fuckin' count on it." I don't know if Sam notices the fact I said our women, either way, he chooses not to say anything. Instead, he nods.
"Only Goddamn outcome."
I have to say I like the kid. Leaving me to finish the task at hand, Sam steps away and goes about getting ready. It's been nearly an hour since the women were taken, and with every minute that passes, I become more and more agitated. I'm going to tan that woman's ass for sneaking out like she did and putting her life in danger. I understand why she did what she did. She's been letting her guilt rule her actions. But one thing Luna needs to get through her head is her life is just as important as those she is trying to protect. As I'm adding the finishing touches to my creation, Reid shouts from his seat at the far end of the bar where he has been typing away on his computer and talking on the phone.
"We have a location!"
"Where?" Jake barks.
"Cocksuckers are held up at the old lumber mill. They were right under our fuckin' noses when we went out that way a few days ago."
"You have got to be fuckin' kiddin' me," Jake hisses as he heads out of the clubhouse. His men, along with myself and my guys waste no time filing out behind him. Reid goes on to tell us they have eyes on the lumber mill, and they have reported we are dealing with thirteen of those fuckers. "Alright!" Jake bellows as he straddles his bike. "You heard the man. We have confirmed that thirteen of those motherfuckers have taken up residence at the lumber mill but be prepared for more. Always expect the unexpected. We're goin' in, and we're goin' in hot. We roll in and take those sons of bitches out. You shoot every one of them dead, no questions asked. We don't stop until every man wearing a Savage Outlaw cut is on the ground with a bullet in them. I want to see those walls painted red." Jake starts his engine, and we all follow suit. Nine strong, we peel out of the compound and head in the direction of the mill with Jake and I leading the way.
With Polson being such a small town, the streets are deserted as we come barreling down Main Street. The once early morning night has now been interrupted by the rumbling sound of our steel pipes.
Spotting the lumber mill up ahead, I give Kiwi who is flanking my right, the signal to stay behind me. As we fly past the entrance of the mill, Jake and his men take off to the left where they promptly take cover behind an old eighteen-wheeler. As for Kiwi and me, we split up from Jake and his men and head right as we dodge bullets flying past us. Making our way around to the back of the large metal structure, Kiwi and I park behind a ten-foot-tall pile of logs. Climbing off my bike, I unbuckle the bag carrying the bomb and slide it over my head and across my shoulder. Retrieving my pistol from the inside of my cut, I settle my body against the logs and take a quick peek in the direction of the mill. I immediately spot two men. One is stationed at a broken window on the second floor and the second is standing guard at the door on the first.
"I clocked one at my ten and another at my six. Cover me on three," I instruct Kiwi. With a nod, I give the one, two, three. Kiwi and I step out from behind the logs and fire. I fire a single shot at the asshole at the door while Kiwi takes out the one at the window. Keeping our eyes peeled we make our way inside the building the same time I spot Sam making his way up the stairs with Jake trailing behind him. Jake looks over his shoulder, spotting me. I slide my bag from over my shoulder then give him a nod, letting him know my intentions.
"Alright, Prez. Let's do the damn thing so we can find your girl and get our arses out of here," Kiwi says while he continues to cover my back as I go to work on planting the bomb.
Retrieving the pliers from my pocket, I fuse the last set of wires. "Done," I announce the same moment Logan finds us.
"We're all clear. Did you two come across that fucker, Pike?" he asks his tone hard.
I shake my head.
"Shit," Logan hisses. "Good news is Prez, and Sam found the women."
Logan jerks his head. "Upstairs. Third door."
I turn back to Kiwi. "Get our bikes and meet me out front." Doing as he's told Kiwi heads back in the direction we came. I give Logan a nod and make my way to get my girl. Taking the stairs two at a time, I climb my way to the second floor. I hear muffled voices at the end of the hall. I take off in a jog and stop at an open door. That's when I spot Jake and Sam. "Did you find…" my words are cut off when I see Sofia in Sam's arms. I cut my eyes behind him to see Jake trying to coax a scared Luna out of a closet. Walking up behind him, I place my hand on his shoulder. "I got her brother. You guys go on. We're all clear. Our brothers are waitin'."
"You get the, cocksucker, Pike?" Jake asks.
With clenched teeth, I shake my head. When Jake, Sam, and Sofia exit the room I waste no time getting to Luna, who is still huddled in the closet with her arm around her waist and her face cast down. Stepping into the small space with her, I cup her face in my hands, lifting her violet eyes to mine. "Come on Mon Tresor. I got you."
Hand in hand Luna and I walk out of the mill and up to my brothers who are waiting on us. Stopping at my bike, I ask her, "are you going to be fearless and get on my bike?" She bites her lip and nods.
Climbing on my bike, I hold my hand out to Luna. She places her palm in mine and climbs on behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist. The moment she lays her head against my back, and I feel her body melt into mine, I know without a shadow of a doubt; I'm done for. Never has anything felt so right as the feeling of having Luna on the back of my bike. Fuckin' perfect.
"Let's go home," Jake grunts firing up his engine. With Jake and I leading the way, the rest of our brothers fall in formation. Half a mile down the road, I reach inside my cut and retrieve the trigger for the bomb I planted. Holding it above my head, I press my thumb down on the switch. Without warning the ground shakes beneath us as the lumber mill explodes into a fiery cloud of dust, broken metal and orange flames that light up the Montana sky.
Twenty minutes later, we arrive back at the compound. The moment we pull up, the women come filing out of the clubhouse to check on their men. I help Luna climb off my bike the same moment Quinn's woman Emerson walks up with Sofia to retrieve Luna. I give her a reassuring nod and sign. "Go on and let Emerson look you over, baby."
Once the women have retreated inside, Jake speaks. "I want you all to get cleaned up, see to your families and have a few stiff drinks; then I'm callin' church. That cocksucker Pike slipped by us. We need to figure out our next move."
"Has anyone seen Demetri?" Quinn cuts in. The men look to each other shaking their heads. Just then a black SUV pulls into the compound. "Speak of the devil," Quinn grins. Demetri is Logan's father and leader of the Volkov Empire. A man in a suit exits the driver side, walks around to the back of the SUV the same moment the back-passenger door opens. Demetri and his other son Nikolai exit.
"Where the hell have you been, brother?" Jake asks in a way that says he's teasing.
Demetri Volkov smiles. "You know I like to show up bearing gifts." Rounding the back end of the truck, Demetri's guy makes his way over to us with a body slung over his right shoulder. The man stops in front of Jake and drops Pike's body to the ground at his feet. Jake shakes his head and chuckles. "Always showing up and dumpin' bodies. I got to say, brother, I like your gifts." Jake turns to Gabriel and instructs him to take Pike to the basement while the rest of us men go inside to have a much-needed drink.
Sidling my tired ass up to the bar, one of the club girls passes me a shot of whiskey. Jake sits on the stool next to me. "You good, brother?"
"Yeah, man. I'm good."
"I want to say I appreciate you droppin' everything and gettin' up here as quick as ya did. I wouldn't have asked you to come if I felt I had another choice."
"Anytime, brother. You know I always got your back," I tell him.
"If you think watchin' over Luna is going to be too much, you let me know, and I'll figure somethin' else out. I got a buddy —." Jake doesn't get a chance to finish his sentence before I cut him off.
"Luna isn't leavin' with anybody
but me."
Jake grins. "You have somethin' you want to tell me, brother?"
"Not just yet," I grunt and down another shot.
"I know that look all too well, brother," Jakes claps me on the back. "You're fucked."
Tell me something I don't know. Needing to check on Luna, I rap my knuckles on the bar. "Got somethin' to do, then I'll meet you in the basement."
I take off up the stairs and down the hall with one thing on my mind; or should I say, one person. Luna. When I reach her door, I twist the knob opening it. Sitting on the bed is a woman who is carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. Closing the door behind me, I round the foot of the bed and drop to one knee in front of Luna. Placing my finger under her chin, I bring her beautiful eyes to mine. The woman in front of me looks defeated and lost. I see it in her eyes. I don't like that shit. Not one bit. Bringing my hands in front of me, I ask her. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Luna shakes her head. I nod. "That's okay, baby. You don't have to say anything. Just know that I see you. When I look in your eyes, I see everything you're afraid to say. Most importantly, I see who you are. No more worrying. You leave all that to me. I got you now." Luna's shoulders sag as she lets out a breath she was holding. She doesn't try to hold back the tears that soon start running down her face. Taking her face between the palms of my hands, I kiss the top of her head, then stand. Before I leave her room, I repeat myself. "I got you now."
When Jake finally makes it down to the basement, Kiwi, Fender, and I decide to stand back and observe. This is Jake's party, and he will run the show as he sees fit. It doesn't take long for Jake to break Pike. My brother is old school and enjoys a pair of brass knuckles. Pike is now sporting a broken nose.