Riggs (The Kings of Retribution MC, Louisiana Chapter Book 1) Read online

Page 7

  Damn. These bikers are out for blood, which means this woman got herself mixed up in something serious. "Why do they want her so bad?"

  "She is the key witness to a murder committed by their President. One of the reasons she came to Hope House was to hide out until the trial."

  "How soon do you need us?"

  "How fast can you get here, brother?" he asks right away with urgency.

  It takes us two days getting to Montana, and by noon we are driving past the Polson welcome sign on the edge of town. I breathe in deep, pulling in the fresh mountain air. The weather up here is several degrees cooler, and a lot less humid. The drive out to the clubhouse brings back memories from the last time I visited Polson when Quinn was taken by Satans Reapers.

  As soon as we take a left turn onto the dirt road, Jake's clubhouse comes into view. From the looks of it, he has the entire family hunkered down already. Our bikes slow, allowing one of the members to open the gate, letting us pass. Members start filing out the front door at our arrival. Parking our bikes, I dismount. "Hope we're not late for the party," I smile and offer my hand to Jake.

  "Just on fuckin' time," he welcomes, then leads us inside, and we sidle up at the bar for a drink. Several of the member's old ladies appear from the kitchen area and following close behind are a few of their kids. Logan pulls his woman, Bella, into his side, as a little girl clings to her leg.

  Bella smiles. "Riggs, it's good to see you again." She turns in her husband's arms, placing her palm on his chest, and looks up at him. "We're going to round the kids up in the playroom and feed them lunch. We left a few platters of premade sandwiches on the table in the kitchen for you men to eat." The warmth in her eyes as she looks upon him warms my heart, and for a moment, I find myself wanting the same. Kissing her forehead, Logan slaps her ass.

  "Thanks, babe." Lifting their daughter, and placing her on her hip, Bella joins the other women in gathering the kids and ushers them into another room.

  "I want you to meet our newest prospect," Jake announces just as Ember, one of the club girls' hands me and my men a cold beer. "Prospect. Come here — both of ya," Jake calls out, gaining the attention of a young man. The young woman at his side, as he strides across the room is Sofia. "Riggs, this is Sam, and I'm sure you remember Sofia."

  "Nice to meet you, sir." Sam sticks out his hand, and I place mine in his, giving a firm handshake.

  "Call me, Riggs." I shift my attention to Sofia. "How ya doin', darlin'?"

  She gives me a soft smile. "Doing okay. It's nice to see you again."

  Jake clears his throat, and his tone becomes all business. "Sofia. Remember me telling you I had a plan in the works for Luna?" Sofia nods and her facial expressions change to worry. "I believe the best way to keep her safe is getting her out of Polson, and Riggs agreed to help." Her eyes dart my way before looking back at Jake.

  "What do you mean?" she questions.

  "I want you to help convince Luna she needs to go back to Louisiana with Riggs. He'll get her settled and keep her safe. I feel this is her best bet at starting over." Jake informs her. Last night when I called to check in with Jake, he brought up the idea of Luna leaving town with me. I wasn't keen on the idea of babysitting some woman, but I'd do anything to help a brother.

  Once Sofia has gathered her thoughts, she sighs. "I don't know if she will agree to any of this. Luna is already skittish. I can only imagine how she will react after informing her we want her to leave."

  There's no need in pussy-footin' around the issue. A decision has been made, and this young woman I've agreed to take back home needs to understand there are other people's lives at stake. Fear and thinking of yourself can't be part of the equation right now. "Bring her out here. I want to talk to her myself." My words come off a bit gruff and stern, but I'm not here to play games or worry about feelings. I'm here to get a job done. Sofia doesn't hesitate. Walking away, she heads up the stairs.

  I'm starting on my second drink when Sofia appears with a young woman standing behind her. I lock eyes with who I assume to be Luna. And fuck me I forget how to breathe. That's how beautiful she is. Long blonde hair, curves in all the right places, large natural breasts that sway when she walks. Her most striking feature; hands down her eyes; the most hypnotizing shade of violet. With her head held high, even though she looks terrified, she approaches me. It takes all my restraint not to reach out and pull her closer. Raine, the club's other girl, steps around Luna and faces her. Sofia starts explaining to Luna what is going on, and I watch Raine use ASL to translate. Jake informed me over the phone Luna is deaf. I think him knowing about my grandmother was another factor that played into him asking this favor of me. Raine speaks for Luna as soon as Sofia finishes talking, but as Luna's hands move, I already know what she is asking.

  I watch Luna's face as Sofia introduces me, telling her the club wants her to leave with me — to Louisiana. Her eyes dart back and forth between Jake and me, and her chest heaves, and I watch panic begins to set in as she processes everything. Sofia does her best to comfort her. "Luna, Rex knows where you are. If you stay here, you are not safe." Luna closes her eyes, but I've had enough. She needs to understand this is going to happen, and she needs to know she can trust me, and the choice the club has made.

  Standing, I place the beer bottle in my hand on the bar, take a few steps forward, coming toe-to-toe with my violet eyed beauty. Putting my finger beneath Luna's chin, I tilt her head back, for her to look up at me. The contact startles her, and her eyes widen. I give her a second before communicating with her. The moment I use ASL, her mouth drops open. "You don't need to fear me, Mon Tresor. My men and I will keep you safe. I promise."

  Luna takes a small step back. Her hands move, and her eyes burn into me. "I don't want to put anymore lives in danger. My mess has caused enough harm. I think it's best I leave on my own." I watch her lips trembles as she fights back the tears pooling in her eyes.

  "No. The decision has been made. You're coming back to New Orleans — with me." Luna's face morphs into anger, and her eyes narrow to slits.

  "You have no right to decide something like that. You can't boss me around," her hands rush to say, before crossing her arms under her breasts, causing them to push up, and my eyes drop briefly. I have to admit; she has grit and sass. I like it.

  Stepping into her space, I grin. "Looks like I just did, Sweetheart." Placing her hands on her hips, she huffs in frustration. Before she can protest any further, Jake interjects.

  "That's enough."

  Quinn says something, but I have no idea what. I'm too focused on the woman standing before me. I can tell she is going to test me. Luna holds my stare for a few extra seconds in defiance. I find myself intrigued by her strength and ability to push past the fear I see hiding beneath the surface. She's broken. Something deep inside me wants to protect what remains. Jake grabs my attention after Luna turns on her heels and walks away.

  Chapter Six


  What a jerk. Who does he think he is? What kind of person waltzes up to a stranger and demands anything of them? Apparently sexy, bearded bikers named Riggs is that kind of person. Riggs, with his piercing blue eyes and a beard so lush I want to run my fingers through it. Damn it, Luna. Stop lusting after the man.

  I've been pacing the length of my bedroom the better part of an hour, trying to get a handle on my emotions. Tonight, I was introduced to the President of The Kings of Retribution Louisiana Chapter. Jake informed me the club has concluded it would be in my best interest to leave Polson with that infuriating man. The thought of going anywhere with Riggs causes my belly to flutter, but I quickly push aside those feelings because I refuse to be pawned off on another person. I won't allow my problems to become someone else's burden. Especially since Savage Outlaw has made it abundantly clear, they will hurt whoever stands in their way when it comes to me. It's one thing to be continuously uprooted from my life, but it would be selfish of me to keep allowing strangers to do the same.

; Rex and his club are my problem. It is time to distance myself from these people before another person gets hurt. Earlier I was in the kitchen fixing myself a snack, and I was able to sneak a peek at the security code Lisa used when exiting the door that leads to the backyard of the compound. Once everyone turns in for the night, I'm going to sneak out. I remember passing a bus station on HWY 93 when first coming into town. I don't have much cash, but I have enough for a ticket and a few meals. I haven't a clue where I am going. The extent of my plan is to get out of Montana. I'll figure out the rest once I'm on the bus. I know I am playing a dangerous game, but I have no other choice. These people have come to mean something to me, and I can't bear the thought of something happening to them.

  With my mind made up, I stride over to the dresser and begin pulling out a couple pairs of jeans, a few t-shirts, and some undergarments. I don't need much since I'll be leaving out of here on foot. Grabbing the bookbag on the floor next to the bed, I shove my clothes inside. Once I have packed what little I can take, I decided to take a shower. With the day I have had all I want to do is sleep. I'm exhausted. But if I lay down now, I will miss my opportunity to slip out of the clubhouse without being caught. Hopefully, a hot shower will help ease some of the tension in my body.

  Making my way into the en-suite bathroom, I turn the knob in the shower on and let the water heat while I strip out of my clothes. Once the bathroom fills with steam, I step into the stall and under the spray of water. The heat, along with the pressure beating down on my shoulders and back instantly relaxes me. Letting out a deep sigh, I dip my head under the stream and allow some of the days stress to leave my body. Without wanting to, my thoughts drift back to Riggs. For whatever reason, I can't seem to shake this strange feeling I get when I'm in his presence. The same feeling I get when I close my eyes and picture his handsome face along with the bluest eyes I have ever seen, and it causes a tingle to creep up between my thighs. One of want and need — a need I have never experienced, not even with Rex. Everything about Riggs puts Rex to shame.

  Riggs stands at 6 ft 3 in, has brown hair cut close on the sides leaving it long and untamed on top. He was wearing a black t-shirt that stretched tight across his chest, showing off his impressive form along with a full sleeve of colorful tattoos on one of his well-defined arms. Riggs isn't built large. I would describe him as having more of a swimmer's build. The way he carries himself is what stands out the most. He stands tall and full of confidence. Riggs is a man that knows himself and what he brings to the table. He oozes power and control.

  I am so far in my head; I hadn't realized I was rubbing my thighs together, trying to alleviate the ache between my legs. My nipples are rock hard, and my breaths are coming out in pants. Ignoring my buzzing hormones, I cut the water off, pull back the shower curtain and step out of the stall. Using a fluffy blue towel, I go about drying my body then getting dressed. When I step out of the bathroom, I cut my eyes over to the bedside table to see the clock sitting there reads 12:47 am. Wanting to wait at least a couple more hours before slipping out, I decide to paint. The second I pick up a brush the peacefulness I crave sets in just as it always does, and I get lost in the colors I splash across the once blank canvas.

  Setting my brush down, I bring my hands up to my eyes, rubbing them with my palms as I let out a yawn. Turning my head, I check the time once again to see it is now 2:17 am. With any luck, everyone will have gone to bed, and I can sneak out. Picking my backpack up off the floor, I sling it over my shoulder and walk over to the bedroom door. Opening the door, I peer down the hall to my right and then to my left. Confident I'm in the clear; I stroll down the hall. When I get to the first step of the stairs, I see the lights are off in the main room of the clubhouse. With a deep breath, I descend the steps. Turning left at the end of the stairs, I head straight for the kitchen. I push my way through the double doors and up to the alarm panel next to the door that leads to the backyard of the compound, where I type in 79408137 disarming the alarm. With one last look over my shoulder, I suck in a deep breath. It's now or never. I may not be making the wisest decision, but it is the only one I know that will keep my new friends safe.

  It doesn't take long to make my trek across the compound in the cold night. My heart begins to beat a mile a minute, the closer I get to the tree line at the back end of the property. It's pitch dark, and the only thing lighting my way is the moonlight. I have always been a bit afraid of the dark. Now here I am about to saunter into the woods when I can hardly see my hand in front of my face. A bear could come up and attack me from behind, and I'd never hear it coming. Just then, with my wild imagination and fear getting the best of me, a hand grabs hold of my arm. With lightning reflexes, I twist my whole body around and using the backpack in my hand; I swing it at the person behind me. I am stunned when I see Sofia's wide eyes staring back at me.

  "What are you doing?" As my eyes well up with tears, my only response is to shake my head as I try to break free from the hold she has on my arm. Turning away, I go to pull free once again when her fingernails dig into my arm, bringing my attention back to her. I'm shocked when I see Pike standing behind Sofia with the barrel of his gun pressed against her head. Sofia looks me directly in my eyes as I watch her mouth move. She says one word. "Run."

  With tears streaming down my face, I refuse to do as she says. Pike steps to Sofia's side and snaps his fingers in front of my face, drawing my attention to him. "I know you can read lips, bitch. So, pay attention. Keep walking in that direction," he gestures toward the woods straight in front of us. "Or you'll watch her take her last breath." Pike makes a show of nudging the gun further against Sofia's temple. Sofia mouths the word 'run' once again in hopes I will save myself, but I don't listen. I have to do what Pike says. I refuse to risk Sofia's life to save my own. Doing as I am told; I begin making the trek through the foggy early morning mist and past an old shed.

  Without warning, Sofia is shoved against my back as we both lose our footing and stumble. We grab each other's hand in support at the same time Pike steps in front of us, pointing his gun. "I said, keep moving." I look at Rex's brother with disgust. Pike is tall and broad. He has short dark brown hair. The left side of his face is scarred pretty bad. I remember Rex telling me something about fire when they were teenagers. Pike spits something out at Sofia when he catches her staring at his face then cracks his palm against her cheek, causing me to flinch. Showing her defiance Sofia lifts her head and glares at Pike. He says something else to Sofia, and the only words I catch are 'guys' and 'breaking.' A lump forms in my throat with what he could have meant.

  Hand in hand, we push forward and walk about thirty more feet until we stop at a fence where two guys wait for us on the opposite side with their weapons drawn. The two men exchange words with Pike. He then cuts his eyes over his shoulder and with the fog lifting, I can see the outline of the clubhouse in the distance. Pushing me forward, Pike says, "crawl," while pointing down to where the fence has been cut allowing enough room for the three of us to belly crawl through. I give Sofia's hand a squeeze before I drop down to the ground and work my body through the hole in the fence. Next, Sofia follows behind me. Once she clears the fence the two assholes on our side, snatch her up off the ground then aim their guns at her. I try to concentrate on what is being said, but they are talking too fast. From what I can gather, they are saying Sofia was not part of the plan and the two men arguing with Pike do not like the fact Sofia is here right now. One of the men; the one with red hair forces Sofia to her knees. His actions cause me to panic when he presses the barrel of his gun between Sofia's eyes. Oh, God. He's going to kill her right here, and it will be my fault. I did this. The next thing I know Pike points his gun at his friend. After an intense exchange of words, the redhead lowers his weapon.

  Disappearing through the trees of the dense forest, we walk for nearly half a mile before coming out on a narrow dirt road where a rusted blue van is parked with the back door already open, and we are instructed to climb in. Sofia
and I sit together with our backs against the wall of the van. Pike along with a bald guy I don't recognize, hop into the van. Pike closes the doors while the redhead climbs into the driver's seat. I cut my gaze around the van. Maybe there is something I can use as a weapon. Sadly, the van is bare besides a couple of wooden crates which Pike and the bald guy are using to sit on. Pike narrows his eyes at me like he knows what I'm thinking. He continues to stare at me a moment before the van starts moving and we drive down the bumpy dirt road. Soon the ride turns smooth as we turn onto the highway. Twisting my head, I look at Sofia the same moment she looks at me. Her facial expression mirrors my own. We are both scared.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I catch movement and snap my head in Pike's direction. I watch as he takes a cigarette from the front pocket of his shirt, places it between his lips, and lights it. Cocking his head to the side, he blows the smoke out in mine and Sofia's direction. I train my eyes on his mouth as he begins to speak. "I never understood what my brother saw in you." He takes another drag. "You should be dead right now. If it were up to me, you would be. However, my brother still has a hard-on for you." Pike flicks the ashes to the floor of the van. "He's getting out soon. Did you know that?" he smirks, and I want to punch him in his ugly smug face. "Rex has plans for you," he grins.

  Next, he shifts his attention to Sofia. Pike leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, getting within inches of her face. I can't make out what he is saying to her, but I have no doubt it's not pleasant. Pike then reaches out and grabs hold of Sofia's knee, and I watch as she sneers, knocking his hand away. Pike grabs her again, this time, forcing his hand between her legs. I swallow the bile that rises in my throat as he touches Sofia. Just as I am about to take action, Sofia brings her foot up and kicks Pike square in his chest. Her action causes him to stumble and fall back on his ass. But Pike recovers, and within seconds he is back on his feet lunging for Sofia. Snatching a hand full of her hair, he tosses her across the van as if she were a rag doll.